WES students are working hard and enjoying some outdoor recess time as well. Our teachers are there to answer your questions. Please reach out if needed. We miss our Wingate students! #19EveryStudent
almost 5 years ago, Amber Turner
Collage 1
Collage 2
We would like to say a special thank you to our hard-working custodians at WES for the time they are spending cleaning and disinfecting our building. We cannot say enough how much we appreciate you. #19WESPride
almost 5 years ago, Amber Turner
custodians 2
custodians 1
WES students are spending time learning in unique ways! Whether learning math through baking, sharing a desk with your child as you work from home or creating potato stamps, we appreciate the work our families are putting into allowing learning to continue. #19EveryStudent
almost 5 years ago, Amber Turner
collage 1
collage 2
WES teachers and staff are here and ready to pass out computers for at home continued learning. Feel free to come up anytime before 7 pm! #19EveryStudent
almost 5 years ago, Amber Turner
During the WES Pre-K study on buildings, students got to imitate brick laying with blocks and shaving cream. #19EveryStudent
almost 5 years ago, Amber Turner
sensory tubs
5th grade students performed their dress rehearsal for the school. Tonight's performance has been postponed due to forecasted weather. Make-up date will be announced next week.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
5th grade
WES students and coaches didn’t let a little rain ruin their run today! Students are participating in the Read, Right, Run program and were excited to get their shirts today. #19EveryStudent
almost 5 years ago, Amber Turner
Read, Right, Run
Congratulations to all WES band students who participated in the Solo and Ensemble Contest today in Mascoutah! #19EveryStudent
about 5 years ago, Amber Turner
Two students
Totem winners for March 6th.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
K and 3
Spirit Day winner stays in 1st grade but we have changed rooms. The winner this month is Mrs. Ansari's class.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
1st grade
WES loves calling home for good behavior! We have already honored quite a few students with positive office referrals this week! Keep up the good work, WES! #19EveryStudent
about 5 years ago, Amber Turner
phone call
2nd call
Positive referral
Newest members of the Word of the Month Club. February's word was humanity. Congratulations to our newest members.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
word of the month winners
More 4th grade pictures
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
4th grade students enjoying the bounce house obstacle course.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
4th grade
4th gd
Totem winners for February 28th.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
4th and 5th
K and 3
1st and 2nd
WES office staff is always excited to see students sent to the office for positive reasons! We have seen many students in the past couple weeks for good behavior. We love calling home and giving parents good news. #19EveryStudent
about 5 years ago, Amber Turner
positive referrals
positive referral
1st grade invited me in to see their square dancing. They did an excellent job.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
1st square
1st sq
1st square dancing
A Kindergarten class and both 4th grade classes danced together.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
Stage 2
Specials class has turned into dance class. They are line dancing and square dancing.
about 5 years ago, Randy Blakely
1st grade
Do se doe
Square dance
Mrs. Kirby’s Pre-K/Early Childhood class is learning about Community Helpers. Mr. John Eachus, a parent and firefighter, showed the students his gear and how to crawl to get out of a fire. They also practiced stop, drop, and roll. #19EveryStudent
about 5 years ago, Amber Turner
Stop drop
High 5